Spanish Playing Cards - 2 Full Decks with 50 Cards - Smooth Plastic Coated Cards – cartas Barajas o Naipes Espanoles in a Beautifully Artistic Traditional Design
Product Details
◄ FULL DECK ► Unlike some lesser cards, our deck comes in a FULL DECK that includes 50 CARDS with numbers 1 through 12 (including 8 and 9) and two jokers. These cards can be used for all the most popular Spanish and Latin American card games, such as Briscas Chinchon Cinquillo Escoba Mus Seises Truco Tute. These cards can also be used for Spanish Tarot readings.
◄ CARTAS ESPAŇOLAS ► Mazo de naipes o Barajas espanolas completo con cincuenta cartas, incluyedo los 8, 9 y dos comodines. Ahora puedes comprar las cartas con las que creciste in Espana o America Latina y jugar todos los juegos tradicionales con cartas de la mejo calidad y durabilidad. 50 naipes plastificados
◄ QUALITY ► These SPANISH deck of cards have a BEAUTIFUL design including the four traditional suits or palos: Espada / swords , copas / cups , oros / gold coins , basto / clubs .
◄ STRONG and DURABLE ► Classic Spanish cards are made in a smooth plastic coated high quality 280 gram paper core that is durable and smooth for shuffling.
◄ CASINO QUALITY ► These cards are made of full-size Casino style cards measuring 3-3/4” by 2-1/2 inches.