5000 Seeds Annual Chrysanthemum Creeping Daisy Flower Seeds for Planting
Product Details
Chrysanthemum paludosum is a sweet little daisy that is perfect for containers and window boxes! Commonly, it’s known as Snow Daisy, Mini Marguerite or White Buttons. The daisies are white with yellow centers and measure 1 ½ inches. The plants are compact, low growing and will spread to 15 inches in no time. Creeping daisy is an annual growing across the country in USDA zones 3 - 9 and only reaching a height of 6 - 12 inches. Creeping daisy will bloom in just 12 weeks after planting the seed. It will also self-sow by dropping its flower seed in late fall. This daisy seed will germinate the following spring to give you brand new creeping daisy plants. It also is an attraction to butterflies! Sowing Rate: 2 - 3 seeds per plant or 2 ounces per 1,000 square feet. Start the seed indoors in the spring 4 – 6 weeks before the end of frost season. With a temperature range of 60 – 65F, germination is usually within 21 days. Press the seed into the soil, do not cover it and keep it moist. After danger of frost as passed, transplant the daisies to the garden spacing the plants 12 inches apart. Deadheading will encourage continuous blooming and the compact growth.